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четвер, 17 грудня 2015 р.

How to get a quality document translation

Document translation services is the aim of search for thousands of people everyday. It is rather easy to find someone to translate your document, but there is always a question if he will be able to translate it competently. Many people think that translation is rather easy and do not bother finding what they really need. Do we need to say that this approach leads to low efficiency? Finding professional translation services is the first step to success, especially if you need legal translation services.

1.                Forget about online document translation.

There are hundreds of various automatized tools to perform a translation for any document in the Internet. They are indeed handy if you need just a basic understanding on what is written on the language you do not know (but sometimes fail even at this), but whichever is less. The machine translation is far from ideal now and it just cannot translate any complex text adequately. Documents translated with special software usually have problems with common sense of the text and they are hard to read. 

2.                Hire a professional.

The best way to get quality legal documents translation is to use the best tools and a professional translator is the one. Professionals have years of experience and provide top quality of the translation, although they cost money, but hey, no one will give you high quality for free. And professionals will also edit and proofread your document! Here are some tips you may use in order to find a good translator:

  • Take a closer look at the agency service. Are you satisfied with the speed of work of the service etc? This is rather an important feature, because if the translator needs a week to translate 1 simple page document, he is probably not a professional.
  • Try sample translation if possible. Different agencies offer different translations, so try it out and choose the one, which suits better.
  • Find the translator who specializes exactly on your type of documents.

3.                Send the translator the complete document copy.

The process of translation is rather complex, so the translator must know the text well to perform the best translation he can. In order to get the highest result, help him to achieve his goal by sending the copy without any additions you will be making after he starts working. Of course this is not strictly forbidden, but adding new information into translated text takes time and may worsen the quality of the whole document. Try to avoid such situations.

If you are interested in finding legal translation services, subject-oriented interpreters on freelance platform 2Polyglot will assure the high-quality translation of any document you need.  

понеділок, 30 листопада 2015 р.

How freelancers rest

The international freelance platform for specialists of language area 2Polyglot made a survey among freelancers and has defined how independent employees rest after their work is done.

Analysis of received data

The analysis of the freelance platform 2Polyglot was compiled on a base of about 200 respondents’ opinions from all over the world without suggested answers. It did not take into consideration sex, age, nationality, specialization or other characteristics. It should be mentioned that every respondent could name several variants.
As this survey has showed, most of freelancers relax after work going in for sports, travelling or having a walk outside alone or with pets. 15% respondents watch TV, movies, anime and listen to their favorite music having mixed it with taking a warm bath with aroma candles. Many independent specialists are creative people and they mostly play different musical instruments, sing and do handicraft. 10% freelancers prefer reading books, but mostly about their work. The same quantity of respondents have answered they do not rest at all either because of lack of free time or due to the fact they do not get tired. 7% freelancers communicate with friends or with their children and the same quantity of them just sleep. A little bit less independent workers like to eat chocolate or other sweets while drinking fresh tea or hot coffee and 5% prefer alcohol instead of tea coffee and sometimes even without sweets. 4% of freelancers pray, meditate or yoga. 3% play video or table games and the same quantity of them cook after work.

Average freelancer’s portrait

Alright, enough of statistics. Let’s try to draw a portrait of an average freelancer. According to this survey, an ordinary freelancer is a bit a fat and wise person wearing sportive shorts with red eyes because of lack of sleep (or too much of it), always active (due to hot drinks) and communicative musician with a sound system, a romantic being Eastern philosopher

Unusual answers

  • I color coloring books;
  • Shopping;
  • Squeezing other people’s big earlobes;
  • Trying to keep out of a laptop;
  • I don’t read anything in other language (translator’s answer);
  • Making manicure before large amount of work;
  • Cooling my head in a freezer;
  • Only my fingers rest.
So if you are a specialist of language are, then you should register on a new freelance platform 2Polyglot for translators, copywriters and tutors.

пʼятниця, 23 жовтня 2015 р.

The strongest man in the world gave an interview for freelance platform

Vasyl Virastyuk, the strongest man on the planet agreed to give an interview specially for the international linguistic online platform 2Polyglot.
On the 6-th of October on blog of the online service there was published an interview of Ukrainian Merited Master of Sports, owner of the “The strongest man of the world Award” and multiple world champion in multisport power race. He told the freelance platform about role of the foreign languages in his life, his sportive and acting career, how he encourages his sons to go in for sports and to learn languages and funny situations connected to language barrier.
Interview was posted in frames of PR campaign of online platform 2Polyglot, which is a cycle of interviews with famous personalities called “Stories with languages”, in which celebrities tell about importance of foreign languages in their careers and share their “stories with languages” sometimes even unusual ones. According to Andrey Prudko, founder of the online platform, a campaign goal is in promoting language learning and service itself. This is the fourth interview, which was taken by freelance service in the frames of the PR campaign. Recently 2Polyglot communicated with American signer Stereolizza, Spanish performer of electronic music Zhanna Ona and Russian actress Marina Dubkova. Video interview was held via Skype and it was published with the full version on blog on the site of the platform for linguistic freelancers https://2polyglot.com.

Well, except Russian and Ukrainian I have some acquaintance with the English and Polish languages, I mean, I can understand the general sense of what is being said. Unfortunately, I was not good at English at school. On the other hand, I must say that I didn’t pay due regard to it because I saw no reason why a resident of Ivano-Frankivsk may need it. And when I started going to sporting events I have regretted that I didn’t study it. There were many sportsmen from the former Soviet Union countries such as Baltic Countries, Russia and Ukraine. That is why we could understand each other well using Russian and there was no communication issues, states the world champion Vasyl Virastyuk.

Vasyl Virastyuk was born on the April, 22-nd in 1974 in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine. At the age of 10 he started going in for sport of athletics, at the age of 21 he became Master of Sports and at the age of 24 – the International Master of Sports. In 2004 he won the Award of the strongest man on the planet and made records for “Ukrainian Records Book”. Since 2009 Vasyl had roles in 4 movies.

понеділок, 19 жовтня 2015 р.

Learning a language: How to choose the best method?

Knowledge of the foreign languages will always be in demand. According to data of the independent research company “Common Sense Advisory, global market of linguistic services is dynamically emerging. In 2014 there were spent $73 billion only on linguists’ services in comparison with $34 billion in 2013 where 15% of all volume where spent on translation.
Taking into account common growth tendency and online technologies development it is not hard to define that demand growth for linguistic services will go on and according to preliminary data, will be about 10% till the end of 2015. Furthermore, the research agency forecast increase translation specialists quantity for 42% in 2020, which was 1.5 million persons in 2014. But “Ednet Insight” informs that volume of e-learning market will be about $198 billion.
 There are many different offline and online ways of language learning if it is about beginner level.

Offline methods:
  • Offline courses in groups;
  • Personal lessons with a tutor;
  • Language learning on one’s own with a manual;

Online methods:
  • Online courses via Skype;
  • Personal lessons with a tutor via Skype;
  • Language learning on one’s own on specific online services;

There are much more methods to improve existent knowledge and each one has its own advantages and disadvantages. However, if it is about beginner’s level and the most efficient way from the perspective of price, quality, time and comfort, than the most convenient one in demand is individual lessons via Skype. At first, the price of such lessons is much lower, than personal offline ones. At second, it exists a possibility to learn a language with a native speaker and it increases quality of knowledge. At third, learning with a native speaker allows achieving faster particular knowledge level and at last, it is possible to study while staying at home.

There are many different online services for learning foreign languages. They all are oriented on different ways of study. For example, LinguaLeo is assigned for study on one’s own with lots of useful data, HopeSpeak is the social network for English learning and a freelance marketplace 2Polyglot provides a platform where it is possible to find qualified tutors of almost any language including native speakers.
A decision about choosing an online service depends on a study method chosen by a person. If it is a services supposed to be paid for anything, than it is better when a resource provides any guarantee of money safety and protection frauds (i.e. option “Safe Deal” on 2Polyglot). If you are looking for a free online service, than, of course, overriding arguments are authoritativeness, feedbacks on the Internet and a base of study data and tests (i.e. LinguaLeo).

There are infinite number of schools and courses of the foreign languages. The average price is from $80 to $800 per 16 hours ($5 to $50 per hour) and a personal tutor costs from $2 to $30 per hour (according to data of the freelance platform 2Polyglot). Such price is explained by necessity of language schools to rent accommodation, to pay salaries and so on.
Of course, if a price matters most of all, time for study is limited and language learning is some kind of a hobby, than the most optimal variant is using specific online services for language learning on one’s own, bit this is necessary to remember that they require payment for extended possibilities and additional data. Therefore, if a future polyglot is ready to invest in one’s knowledge for a better result, than it would be useful to pay attention to study via Skype, perhaps even with a native speaker. It gives a possibility not to be tied to a territorial factor and to take lessons without living home.

понеділок, 28 вересня 2015 р.

The more languages you know the more times you are…

The key to efficient promotion of an emerging startup is letting as many people as possible know about it. But how can people know about your project if you tell only IT-specialists about it?

We have not discovered America when we have launched PR campaign where we interview famous people and tell their stories on our blog. Nevertheless, the first thing most of startupers do is promoting their project for IT area.
Your idea is called for solving different people’s issues, so it means that it should be promoted for ordinary potential customers. That is why it is necessary to let not only your colleagues know about your startup usefulness, but also as wider audience as possible. This is obvious that if future users do not care about those details and principles, which can interest programmers and investors, then it is required to feel the right topic and your own way of presentation. What to write about and what kind of audience for? It definitely depends on your project idea and the issue it is going to solve.

Recently, we told about our decision to tell people about our PR campaign with famous people. We have felt our own topic and decided to provide readers with interviews with interesting people. Previous interviews with Stereolizza and Zhanna Ona occurred to be attractive for readers and even exceeded all our hopes. So 2Polyglot continues communicating with celebrities.
This time Russian actress Marina Dubkova having a goal to reach Hollywood, told her story about freelance in profession. Originally from Ukraine, Marina Dubkova possesses 5 languages in total: Ukrainian, Russian, English, Italian and Polish. She improves herself all the time and continues learning languages. It helps her to stay confident and purposeful for conquering foreign scene.

середа, 23 вересня 2015 р.

How much money do translators earn

 The international linguistic freelance platform 2Polyglot analyzed global market of translation services and defined average translators’ income amount in different countries.

Days are passing, technologies are being improved, but despite of scientists’ forecasts, machines have not managed to replace human work. Google Translate has not eliminated routine work of a human translator for eight years of its existence and still keeps being the main competitor only for paper dictionaries despite of complicated analyzing algorithm of human translated texts on the Internet and a lot of additional features. Recently different media wrote about incorrect translation the phrase “dignity revolution” in Google Translate, which means the imperfect systems and its vulnerability.
Therefore, profession of translator still keeps being actual and definitely is going to be such several next years. That is not a secret that mow the most needed knowledge in linguistic and philological areas is possessing grammatically complicated languages, i.e. Chinese, Arabic, Japanese or enough rare ones, i.e. Hebrew. Furthermore, every day there appear more and more data requiring translation: audio, video, articles, researches etc. Besides data, there grows the quantity of specialists of linguistic area and especially, the competition is high among people who know widespread languages i.e. English, French etc.
How did it influence the translation services market in the world?
According to data of the independent research company «Common Sense Advisory, global market of linguistic services is dynamically emerging. In 2014 there were spent $73 billion only on linguists’ services in comparison with $34 billion in 2013 where 15% of all volume where spent on translation.
            Taking into account common growth tendency and online technologies development it is not hard to define that demand growth for linguistic services will go on and according to preliminary data, will be about 10% till the end of 2015. Furthermore, the research agency forecast increase translation specialists quantity for 42% in 2020, which was 1.5 million persons in 2014.

Translators’ salaries in different countries
The income of an ordinary translator mostly depends on several factors:
·         Whether a specialist has a full-time job or works as freelancer looking for tasks on a freelance platform.
·         Translation or interpreting.
·         Success of a company (for full-time job worker).
·         Work volume.
·         Complexity and prevalence of a language.
·         Location.

It is necessary to add that the freelance translators’ income often may exceed salaries of ordinary employees due to an absence of limit for income sources and location. A freelancer may choose a task with any available payment and customer’s country of habitation and that allows to increase income from executed work. Furthermore, the quantity of tasks can be limited only by specialist’s available time. However, the work in prosperous company with high salary in such countries as the USA, Canada and Germany guarantees stable and well-paid job without necessity of permanent search of orders. Unfortunately, not every even highly qualified linguist manages to get a job in such companies abroad, but fortunately, there is another option.

вівторок, 8 вересня 2015 р.

Zhanna Ona: I'm not a DJ

Zhanna Ona: I'm not a DJ

How do you think what inspires creativity: writing texts and poems in different languages, making music and creating performances?
In this edition of “Stories and Languages” Polyglot discussed creativity and language communications with Zhanna Ona, a clubbish artist who travels a lot and appears on the biggest  European and US festival stages.

This tender girl stood at the origins of electronic music in Ukraine. Inspired by creativity of British trip-hop bands Portishead and Massive Attack, an 18-year-old Kiever Zhanna Dymchenkodecided to create her own music. However, it was not the best time for creative startup. In the early 1990s, in Ukraine it was impossible to record electronic music professionally, for beginners especially. Having enlisted support from the soul mate young producers, this girl could finally take that first step towards her dream.  She began performing in Kiev clubs, worked in tandem with DJs from Moscow and St. Petersburg. In 2001 Zhanna’s creative activity brought her to Spain. She has been living and working here in Barcelona for 15 years already.   

– For electronic music fans Zhanna Ona is more known as DJ Zhanna. However, you don’t consider yourself a DJ. Why?

– Any artist who stands on the electronic stage is a musician who makes both live performance and DJ set. That’s why I always try to make it clear that I am an artist, musician, vocalist who makes a DJ set. I don’t want to disparage DJing profession. I like it very much because it brings fresh note at my music career. However, at the same time I don’t claim some exorbinant level of playing. That’s why I keep saying that I’m not a DJ.   

– How do you think, is it important to be a musician to practise DJing?

– I think there are two ways to enter this profession. It is quite logical that electronic dance music amateur turns DJ. Today it can be vividly illustrated by the examples of many famous DJs.  A musician can also try his hand in DJing. But they often try it as an experiment to extend their creative range. Both of these ways deserve respect.

– Can you be qualified as a freelancer? I think that your activity is within this definition: you act independently and do self-promotion…

– You can qualify me as a pioneer in the field of autoproducing (editor’s note: self-producing). In this regard I am autossuficiente (self-sufficient) orpolifacetico (all-round) as they say in Spain. As an author and artist, I always understand and feel what my music should eventually be in meticulous nuances, how it should sound. That’s why I had to dive into so many professions to control every step of the process: from studio recording, instruments choosing, stenography, stylistics and numbers producing to my performance site choosing.    

By the way, such an all-round experience was of use when I and my soul mate friends created a platform for producing young musicians here. The artists who occurred after the early 2000s couldn’t make out what direction they should follow. The part of the industry that dealt with talent search has disappeared. Maybe people had an idea of disk recording because technology was already available that time, but they had no idea what to do further, how to bring it to market. That time we started using social networks (Facebook, MySpace) to promote artists.   

– You continuously refer to some companions, soul mate friends. Who are the people you cooperate with? Who are your friends?

– As soon as I moved to Spain, I was offered cooperation with Sound School that trains Record/Music Producers, Sound Mixers, Recording Engineers and Concert/Performance Tour Specialists.   Thanks to this School I’ve met a lot of great people, particularly global producers and artists. Since then we are good friends with Ken Stringfellow (a musician and member of The Posies and R.Е.M. bands) andFelix Da Housecat.

– How are you accepted by the Spanish audience? Do they understand your music or not?

– What is most interesting is that I perform mostly out of Spain now. I had a big tour when I presented my first album here. It was then, but not now. Here I create and produce my music, however, I give my performances in the USA, Ukraine and other European countries.  The thing is that some other musical genres are popular here, particularly flamenco, its modernized versions, jazz and different folk streams. Indipop is gaining popularity. British involvement is noticeable here. Spanish electronic artists travel other countries as I do. Experience shows that Spanish people perceive music differently and they are not my audience.

– What are your impressions of Spain? What inspires you to create?

– First of all, it is the atmosphere. It turned out that I imagined it differently. As a creative person I have built my own castles in the air. I thought I went to refined Europe, but I found myself in underground. However, the atmosphere is so favorable and empowering here! It helped me deal with the post-Soviet close-mindedness. Here I realized who I am and what I’m capable of. That’s why this place became mystic for me.  It should also be noted that my first bright impression of Spain was welcoming and kind people. I was totally fascinated by the architecture. It is very interesting to live in the city where you can read and look through all the epochs including the ancient world. Everything has withstood the ravages of time.  

– Well, and Antoni Gaudi, of course…

– Gaudi is an outstanding example of artist who was popularized during his lifetime, found the resources and way for realizing his outlandish ideas. Gaudi phenomenon inspires me even more than Gaudi artist. By the way, in Catalonia there is a specific Jewish influence. Both Catalans and Jews are very pragmatic. They weight all the pros and cons and think several moves ahead. That’s why there is a sufficient number of inventive people who find daring and original methods of promotion here.      

– Knowledge of language is one of the most important tools of self-promotion in different culture. How did you learn Spanish?

– I came here with a basic knowledge of English without any specific practice. Although, that time I tried to write my songs in English. As soon as I moved here, I took my one-year Spanish language courses. The beauty of it was that I had to speak Spanish straight away in spite of my language level. I could use dictionary any time, but we spoke in Spanish only. It was easy for me to learn because of my deliberate awareness of communication. In three weeks I could speak Spanish much better. Some people choose another way, save their funds, learn foreign languages by themselves step by step. But expression was of great importance for me. I needed to bring my position and my views into people’s minds whether in store or in work. I needed to make new friendly and professional relations. My knowledge of Spanish allowed me to integrate into this culture. I got acquainted with different people: writers, artists, musicians. And it was so interesting how everything is interrelated in the world. You suddenly find out that some local poet met Vysotsky somewhere in Paris and they wrote something together. Or, for instance, we had a joint project with local Rock Stars of the 1990s. Some artists gathered together and created the album based on Leopoldo Panerо creativity. This poet writes about Tsvetaeva in one of his poems. Such a synthesis of cultures was a real discovery for me. I always participated in different literary and poetry events. Some time ago I lived next door to man who was friends with great-grandson of Trotsky’s killer. So here I have the “Klondike” of interesting stories.

Cultural adaptation had a great impact on my creativity. At first I kept writing songs in Russian and in English, then gradually I started writing poems in Spanish. And when Spanish ingrained in my head, I had to improve my English to keep writing songs in English.

– Did you feel any discomfort?

– No, I didn’t. For me it was a fascinating journey through subcultures and linguistic spaces.

– Well, sure… if you do something to make your wish come true, it will be a pleasure for you! I suppose you like travelling…

– Yes. By the way, we spent the whole last year travelling. We have visited Bali, Hawaii, Turkey, Crimea and Kiev. We inspired, I recorded… different sounds of nature: the noise of the sea, sound of pouring rain. I even have the records of Easter Carols.  

– I hope that in near future your love for travel will bring you to Ukraine again. Thank you for a nice conversation. What would you like to say to our readers?

– I like 2Polyglot.com project very much. It unites people, because the more languages we speak, the more we get closer to each other. I wish you success and good sailing!