The international freelance platform for specialists
of language area 2Polyglot
made a survey among freelancers and has defined how independent employees rest
after their work is done.
Analysis of received data
The analysis of
the freelance platform 2Polyglot was compiled on a base of about 200 respondents’
opinions from all over the world without suggested answers. It did not take
into consideration sex, age, nationality, specialization or other
characteristics. It should be mentioned that every respondent could name
several variants.
As this survey
has showed, most of freelancers relax after work going in for sports,
travelling or having a walk outside alone or with pets. 15% respondents watch TV,
movies, anime and listen to their favorite music having mixed it with taking a
warm bath with aroma candles. Many independent specialists are creative people
and they mostly play different musical instruments, sing and do handicraft. 10%
freelancers prefer reading books, but mostly about their work. The same
quantity of respondents have answered they do not rest at all either because of
lack of free time or due to the fact they do not get tired. 7% freelancers communicate
with friends or with their children and the same quantity of them just sleep. A
little bit less independent workers like to eat chocolate or other sweets while
drinking fresh tea or hot coffee and 5% prefer alcohol instead of tea coffee
and sometimes even without sweets. 4% of freelancers pray, meditate or yoga. 3%
play video or table games and the same quantity of them cook after work.
Average freelancer’s portrait
Alright, enough of
statistics. Let’s try to draw a portrait of an average freelancer.
According to this survey, an ordinary freelancer is a bit a fat and wise person
wearing sportive shorts with red eyes because of lack of sleep (or too much of
it), always active (due to hot drinks) and communicative musician with a sound
system, a romantic being Eastern philosopher
Unusual answers
- I color coloring books;
- Shopping;
- Squeezing other people’s big earlobes;
- Trying to keep out of a laptop;
- I don’t read anything in other language (translator’s answer);
- Making manicure before large amount of work;
- Cooling my head in a freezer;
- Only my fingers rest.
So if you are a specialist of language are, then you should register on a new freelance platform 2Polyglot for translators, copywriters and tutors.